Snow | Teen Ink

Snow MAG

By Anonymous

   as told by a native of Florida

Roses are red,

Snow is white,

Last week it snowed in the days,

And it snowed in the nights.

Early the next day,

Outside we did go.

What did we find there?

What we found was called snow.

Snow in the driveway,

Snow in the street,

Snow in your boots

That freezes your feet.

Snow in the forest,

Snow on the logs,

Snow in the car,

And snow on the dog.

Snow on the houses,

Snow in the ruts,

My dog eats the snow,

And gets ice in his guts.

Snow on your boots

Gets snow on the floor.

Snow always blows in

When you open the door.

Snow down the chimney

Can put out the fire.

Snow makes your car slip,

Or get hopelessly mired.

Snow hides the ground,

So you step on the splinters.

I thank all I hold dear

That snow comes only in winter.

It is all that you see,

Wherever you go,

It's the stuff that you shovel,

The thing people throw.

Some say it's wonderful,

Some say it's great,

Until it jams up the traffic,

And makes them be late.

For true Northerners it's the answer

To all of your wishes,

But it blows in the kitchen

And gets on your dishes.

Some say it's real neat,

And we don't get enough.

I agree that without it,

Skiing can be tough.

It's the herald of the season,

It's the sign of the times.

It falls everywhere,

Without reason or rhymes.

"But it's nifty for everyone!"

The cold-lover crows.

I say it came on a pale horse,

And the name it went by was Snow.

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