Friends! | Teen Ink


December 15, 2009
By Essence SILVER, Baldwin Park, California
Essence SILVER, Baldwin Park, California
7 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Friends can be very muddled
Through rainy days
Jumping into a big puddle
Running into a lifeless maze
Patiently waiting on duty
Searching for great beauty

Dealing with an altercation
Hitting heavy rocks
With an animal invasion
Trying not to lose your socks
Hearing the rumbles
Throughout the jungles

Dilemma is the word
Facing many issues
Listening to the gorgeous bird
While wasting all the tissues
Realizing break-ups
Soon turn to make-ups

Do not terminate
Friends will always be around
Your friendship is a fabricate
So lucky you were found
Just think and see
Exactly what we appear to be

Logic is present
Promise me you wont let it go
Its as precious as a crescent
Falling on your toe
Letting it gently swift
As it gives you one grand lift

The author's comments:
So heres the thing..friends may be appeal to be true..well until the drama swirms in..then the fights begin..throughout it all your heart aches..until you finally realize that friends come and go, but your pride..once lost may never return!


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