Picking a Path | Teen Ink

Picking a Path

January 21, 2010
By mehoker10 BRONZE, Dennison, Ohio
mehoker10 BRONZE, Dennison, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. <br /> --Franklin D. Roosevelt

Two paths to choose from,
But can’t be chosen.
For I don’t know
Which way to go.
So I walk between the two,
As they grow father apart.
One I knew from my past.
A love and a loss of innocence.
Fake Beauty.
Only being seen on the outside.
Shy and extremely quiet.
With little, short conversations.
The other recently added.
A love for a perfect stranger,
But only perfect to me.
Being seen inside and out.
Outspoken and confident.
With long, elaborate conversations.
Not being able to choose
Between my past or possible future,
I get lost.
I keep walking,
Hoping to find a path.
After a short,
But lonely journey,
I find a path.
This path leading
To a bright future.
Full of love,
And adventure.

The author's comments:
The book North of beautiful inspired me to write this. Also, I was going through something similar to this situation.

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