Peace And Rage | Teen Ink

Peace And Rage

February 22, 2010
By drake102nd BRONZE, Everet, Washington
drake102nd BRONZE, Everet, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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The love of water and the sky. That is the calm. Rage, the rage that burns inside us even if we don’t know it, and from that rage comes the human need for destruction. That is why we burn, kill, destroy, that is where we get our need of death and destruction. But from the sky comes calm, from the sea comes peace. But war and destruction have disrupted it all. To be a true human we must have both rage and peace inside for if we let either of them go we are no longer true humans. Life is sacred, but some people live on death. They make money, power. they have the power to help but they let other people suffer, life is sacred, but, if you let rage take control you are a monster, but, if you let peace control you, you are just a ghost of a human, you live but you do barely anything. It’s sad that people let themselves be taken too far into peace or rage. Be nice but don’t forget to live life to its fullest!!

The author's comments:
this is just the true me. I just go back and forth between peace and rage

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 12 2010 at 4:25 pm
peace.frog.271 BRONZE, Pinehurst, North Carolina
3 articles 2 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let us remember as we chase our dreams into the stars that our first responsibility is to our Earth, to our children, to ourselves.&quot; -George W. Bush <br /> <br /> This means to me that before we let ourselves fade, we must take care of ourselves and others.

Tis very interesting.. never really thought about life in the sense of peace and rage. Like the imagery and how everything flows :P