Baby Let Me Be The One | Teen Ink

Baby Let Me Be The One

March 6, 2010
By Nyree1593 SILVER, Bronx, New York
Nyree1593 SILVER, Bronx, New York
8 articles 10 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
My Struggle Cant Break My Swag and Death Before Dishonor.

Baby Let me be the one.

The one you come to when you feel afraid,
Never when im in your life should you ever feel betrayed

Baby Let me be the one.

Turn your back from me and have faith that i'll be there,
Never will you have to turn again in doubt that im not here

Baby let me be the one.

The one to say this love is hard to bare,
so baby turn around cusz the faith will show you care.
Hold out your arms like wings on a dove
fall back into my arms because the faith will show your love

Baby let me be the one.

The one you know is loyal whenever your not around.
The one to pick you up whenever your feeling down

Baby Let me be the one.

The one to say no matter how it seems
Im the one who'll be by yourside to help you chase your dreams

Baby let me be the one to say

If i show that i dont care,
its my way of saying just the opposite, but your just TOO HARD TO SHARE

Baby let me be the one.

The one to love you and never let you go
I know nothing last forever but its hard to say its so

Baby let me be the one.

The one to love you and never let you go away
i know nothing last forever but it gets harder everyday

The author's comments:
I wrote this at 2 in the morning LOL!


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