He talks to me all the nights | Teen Ink

He talks to me all the nights

November 19, 2007
By Anonymous

He talks to me all the nights

He tells me bout all his fights

He is so cute and very smart

His name is printed in my heart

The other girls are so bad to him

their views of him are very dim

They cheat on him and they lie

Then they leave him, i hear him cry

He makes mistakes like all guys do

but its no reason to treat him bad too

He is the best in my sight

If he was mine i'd treat him right

But we are friends and that is all

i cant wait to see him in the hall

I told him how i feel but he dont care

And i know that this just aint fair

But now he makes me want to cry

And sometimes even want to die

But he also makes me happy too

And i wish i knew what i should do

I think of him all the time

For him i'd spend my every dime

Even though i am just his friend

I'll love him Till the very end

I wish he could just be with me

I wish that he could only see

Will he ever accept how i feel

Or will he wait for my heart to peal

I really cant take this anymore

I dont know what im waiting for

But tomarrow will be too late

And he'll have another girl to date

Now im sure this feeling is love

And that he was sent from up above

I'll never forget what he means to me

Its just too bad we will never be .

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on Aug. 1 2010 at 11:18 am
bbygurl21 PLATINUM, Boston, Massachusetts
29 articles 0 photos 111 comments

Favorite Quote:
sticks n stones my brick my bones but words cant

this poem reminds me of me n my boy friend can you comment some of my work please