Gone are the Birds | Teen Ink

Gone are the Birds

November 5, 2010
By maddieLB SILVER, Hamilton, New York
maddieLB SILVER, Hamilton, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gone are the birds
Soaring across the sky
Gone is the placid sound
Of delicate wings stretched to fly
No more will search
For seeds in a city park,
Or perch on fire hydrants,
No more that scientists can mark.
No more gulls will be found by the sea,
For they have been relieved of the world
They had tried to flee.
Although we may say
their demise is nature’s way,
We must face the dawn,
That more species will follow along,
And mankind will soon have ended their stay.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by a thought I had one morning: What if all birds went extinct? the question made me realize how some things that we don't think are a big deal or take for granted can disappear so quickly. In this case, it's also an environmental message; many other species are close to extinction. Sometimes you need to just think, what if?

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