Short Innocence | Teen Ink

Short Innocence

November 12, 2010
By RenMan BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
RenMan BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mixaphorically speaking.<br /> <br /> Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

Innocence can only be witnessed
when watching a little child.
Thay are the only ones who see.
See the entire world as black and white.
Not that of another persons skin,
but catagorized in understand do not understand,
catagorized into right and wrong.
They understand that life in its entirety is supposed to be fun.
Supposed to be enjoyed everyday.
Even if it is just running around the house,
the smile will only grow.
The pain we some how find when we age,
the anguish the hurt the rage.
Are only minor emotions to that of an innocent child.
For a frown can go upside down
in a matter of seconds if you count.
To them pain can disappear
once they see joy again.
Their lives are ruled not by hate
sadness or insecurities.
They know not that the world holds standards
on what is proper.
Proper: height, weight, beauty, cup size, nose size, pant size.
When will we realize
that all the standards are only future issues.
When will we realize
that in the end none of the materials,
none of what we deem acceptable
harms more than it helps.
I feel ashamed of what we have prepared,
of the road we have sent them on.
For they have no idea what happens next.
They do not realize
that they will become materialistic.
They do not realize
that they will be rated and measured.
God gave them life.
A brain, a personality, a body, a soul,
compassion, love, and energy.
What did we give in return?
Scales, rankings, ridicule, and despair.
We teach these things,
we as adults bring them out.
We ruin the most beautiful thing.
The one one thing we wish we still had.
The mind, the love, the innocence of a child.

The author's comments:
After subbing for younger kids classes I realized how innocent and care free they are.

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