No more | Teen Ink

No more

December 5, 2010
By SkullFan101 BRONZE, Bridgeport, Connecticut
SkullFan101 BRONZE, Bridgeport, Connecticut
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All we need is the truth in our hand. Someone to call a friend. Never fear the darkness. All we need is just the sun in the sky, and the hop of a summer to come with the meaning of love."

No more sadness, i can't take it.
Theres no other way to say it.

Where is the happy, the joy, or the glee?
The depression is just killing me.

Lets go in the street and sing all night.
Lets sing until we see the morning light.

Because love is the only cure i know,
to heal your heart that's filled with sorrow.

Don't worry about them, just worry about us,
We'll dance and laugh, no more fuss.

Stand by me, face to face.
As i give you a loving, caring embrace.

You'll never be alone, never again.
I'll be by your side till the very end.

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This article has 2 comments.

Kaylaa<3 said...
on Dec. 24 2010 at 2:39 pm
HAHA yeah right, i made this in like 3 seconds lol your totally better than me, no doubt about it :) but thanks  <3

DrewSki SILVER said...
on Dec. 22 2010 at 8:45 pm
DrewSki SILVER, Bridgeport, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
I laugh at your demise...<br /> What if...?

dang your poetry is better than mine!!!

Very deep comes from the depth of your soul and cries out passionately.