Here and Now | Teen Ink

Here and Now

November 16, 2007
By Danica Zielinski SILVER, Congers, New York
Danica Zielinski SILVER, Congers, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Right here, right now
Let’s settle this
For now
If there’s one word you miss
Stop me so I can start again
The lies are over
I can’t hold the secrets you told me
The world moved on but I cannot
You’re the ghost of haunting memories
Filling the empty corners of hallways
You walk right through them
But I see them all
I can’t leave what we had
After all the years of living
The plans we made
The ideas we thought
Still stand in my mind
Fresh like yesterday paper
The headline reads clear
And pages are still there
Unable am I to neglect the bold print
You left scars on my heart
Now I pay the price that you should pay
I wonder if you do pay your price
But in your own way
The fears are fading
The farther we’re apart the
Less the ghost of you appears
The thought of you disintegrates
I say to you what I will do
Throw away the old newspaper
Read the new life of me, the mischief maker
Free my mind of old disagreements
Leave them and run
So I say to you right here, right now
You are the past, they are present
I am done I am finished
I am the here I am the now

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