This is the End | Teen Ink

This is the End

November 18, 2007
By Anonymous

She rises like dawn to her feet
and fights back the angry tears,
this can't be the end.
The last whistle blew but she hesitates
in hope it was a mistake,
this can't be the end.
Her heart pounds, thumps, and cries
out of frustration,
this can't be the end.
She looks to the crowd for support
but views shame across their distressed faces,
this can't be the end.
Her aching feet walk to the net
and she puts out a sweaty hand
secretly wishing each bad luck,
this can't be the end.
Her mouth tightly clenches
holding back her true feelings,
this can't be the end.
She walks into the locker room
and sees the tears of her teammates
this is the end.

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