Divergent Metaphors | Teen Ink

Divergent Metaphors

May 25, 2011
By JordanSB SILVER, Anoka, Minnesota
JordanSB SILVER, Anoka, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I once thought I knew my pattern of life,

My cookie-cutter routine.

I once thought I knew my path,

Asphalt, gravel, take your pick.

But now I tread unmapped side-streets,

New neural ground for a pseudo-CNS.

I have new unknowns, sprung from a modern

Misconception of unexpected conception.

I am a divergent biology now, duel reality

Growing more distinct by the minute.

I'm changing lanes without a blinker, no

Warning, just a sudden car pool.


Take two, I am a future Director,

and this will be my last monologue.

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