The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

December 6, 2007
By Danica Zielinski SILVER, Congers, New York
Danica Zielinski SILVER, Congers, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When do you fall?
Hit the ground
All the emotion you let pass by
Every anger, every fear
Released from its prison

Slowly begin
To show the pain and fear
Of every tossed away emotion
The agony leaks out of you
You suffer
More than from = a bullet

Find a spot where
No will care, no one will see
When I let the emotions out
Neighbors see me
Smile and wave
They do not see the pain in my eyes

A long walk, a blurred walk
Leads to a park
Where kids play basketball
You do not care if they see you
Or if the parents push children back into the cars
It is only me and the weeping tree

Tears and uncontrolled rage
Cries so loud they echo through the woods
Sitting on the bench, letting the wind
Hit my face and go through out my hair
I feel that I become wild
With no thought other than my own

With no more tears to cry
Rage hits like a blinding sword
Uncontrolled movements
Screams cut through the air
And you let the rage pass until it has had enough

When I am done and finished
Still shaking, weak
I walk home, some tears come
Phone calls ignored
Messages neglected
I walked on a trail I see differently now

When I reach home
There is nothing to tell
Where I’ve been, what I did
The truth is what I told
I did not hide what had happened
It felt good to not hide
What I had been feeling
Deep inside

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