Chained Commission | Teen Ink

Chained Commission

May 5, 2011
By matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love never fails"

By my soul is forced a slave.
By your life my soul is saved.
A sacrifice, a redeeming grace;
Grant me chance to see your face.

Should I listen, Should I follow
You who carry me through every struggle?
Holding key to my living vision,
Free my heart and have my devotion.

Burn of the bush, lover of sound
Bring your children kingdom bound.
Take my hands they raise your name,
Hear my voice 'til the end of days.

Thousands shall fly and thousands shall fall
Gift of my life shall dance your call.
Open my eyes to joyful delight.
Arise free slaves, and embrace the light.

I hear the song, the commission sends
To spread the harmony beyond this world's end.
This is my love; this is my plea:
Savior of my soul here am I, send me.

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