Remember That Day | Teen Ink

Remember That Day

September 8, 2011
By AnarchistHeartland ELITE, Washington, District Of Columbia
AnarchistHeartland ELITE, Washington, District Of Columbia
177 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Art is beauty everlasting "

" Darlin, it's me, I want you to read this note as it explains my departure

I've been deployed 6 months now was you well know, I don't know when I'll be back or how well I'll do

But I promise you someday I'll return as a better man and then we can start a family

I love you, remember that "

Quiet eyes remind me of a world I used to know

Even when these days are getting shorter these nights get so cold

But when I remember those lips of mine it makes me reminisce

About everything we've been through, starting with our first kiss

Some may say we've gone astray somewhere down the line

But I still remember your face and no other without fail, every time

If I can grant just one wish tonight, then let me do this please

Know that you can love me, and rest your head at ease

When these winds flow through me I feel alive and free

Yet I still seek solace in your arms, it's my way to be

Everything you ever wanted, someday I hope you see

The light in your life that you found in me

The author's comments:
Going off to war


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