We All Reminisce Once and a While | Teen Ink

We All Reminisce Once and a While

November 22, 2011
By Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’re weaving in circles, caught up in our dance.
You stood at my door hoping for once last kiss,
But here is where I must take a firm stance.

I block out all pleads for one more chance.
I must pretend that both of us are strong enough for this.
We’re weaving in circles, caught up in our dance.

I can hear our ending, a soft and solemn cadence,
We cry and hide or faces as we remember the broken bliss,
But here is where I must take a firm stance.

Its lost. I’ve lost it! Where is our sweet romance?
You were my everything; I swear you were nothing less.
We’re weaving in circles, caught up in our dance.

You stare through me, slipping into a numb trace,
And I try to stay strong, but emotion escapes with a hiss.
But here is where I must take a firm stance.

Finally I let go, for I can’t feign nonchalance.
I’m so sorry, but my head and heart I cannot dismiss.
We’re weaving in circles, caught up in our dance,
But here is where I will take my firm stance.

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