Stone | Teen Ink


December 1, 2011
By Kinley451 SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
Kinley451 SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is so much to think about and nothing to worry about!

I feel like a stone 
Standing tall without any movement 
Feeling all cold and numb inside
Feeling nothing 
Feeling like I don't belong in this world even though I have been standing here for 15 years straight
Without anyone noticing that I am standing there. 
Without people caring that I am here in this place. 
Being a plane stone in this "beautiful" world isn't all that bad sometimes.
Sometimes it feels to lonely 
And then I wish for another stone stand there next to me.
I have been stoned for years and I have gained nothing at all.. 
The only thing I gained is pain and hurt..
Sometimes I feel like the world just hates me just for being a stone and just even being there.. So they just destroy everything that is left of me..
Standing in this place wondering will I ever feel like I belong in this world? will I find something worth living for?
People try to cover the plane grey color of me thinking that by doing that I will change and I'll become a better stone, but as they try to color the grey stone the paint falls off and grey turns even darker color. It turns into an ugly color that no one wants to see.. 
What people don't realize that they can't change this stone because the stone isn't ready to be changed and it is trapped inside waiting for the right time to finally move from the same place.. All people need to do is to be patient.. 
Just wait and out of that ugly stone will come out a beautiful person ready to start a new life!! 

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because I have been hurt a lot
In my life and there been time that I felt like no one cares
And still do and people have tried to change me
So many times but they never did I'm still
What I am and they just have to wait
Till I choose to be a better person..


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 10 2011 at 4:50 pm
Wonderment DIAMOND, Scranton, Pennsylvania
75 articles 0 photos 141 comments
Wows. This is so relatable. I like it good job. :)