Glowing Eyes. | Teen Ink

Glowing Eyes.

January 26, 2012
By Kat-Orama BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Kat-Orama BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
2 articles 35 photos 8 comments

I look down the line only to find out that it is endless.
Forever it goes.
My skin is thin.
Your eyes always seem to glow, always.
You try to not show your hurting heart,
I can see it clear as day.
Everything seems to become a sphere.
The trees make harmony with the atmosphere inside our minds that intertwine with each other.
There is some sort of feeling that I get with the noises in my head that vibrates the shape of him.
You lurk inside me like a leach.
I stare into those eyes that seem to become pure, those eyes always seem to glow when the light reflects.
Metal hits metal and the voice of the crickets seem to form a pattern of song.
I become the reflection on your face when standing close cheek to cheek.
Holding your beautiful hand in mine, I begin to feel your deep embrace which taunts me.
I look over and your eyes pierce into my mind, your eyes always seem to glow and they caress what is left of my world and pulls me together.
Your eyes look so bright.
They are so bright.
Wish mine could become so bright, could calm the fire set to your world.
Eyes that glow so bright.


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