Cold and Alone | Teen Ink

Cold and Alone

April 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Cold and alone
Nowhere to go to be warm
Nobody for company for enjoyment
I was always alone
Never smiled when it came to something or someone true to me
One sunny, spring day

our words met with no eyes to speak
all that was used were the details of who, what, and how we were
Waisting the battery power time well spent with you
talking, descriptive writing poems
one by one
over and over again

Daylight was burning faster and faster
Rushing tok my ice box room until I brought a smile in
Warmed spirits from everything we said to each other
Getting lost until I no longer knew where I was
Lost in a place I've never seen in my life
At that moment I knew it
I knew I wanted to stay

Minutes spent after the seconds
Hours spent after the minutes
all this turned into days spents after hours.
I did nothing but hold on from day one, which was early day two

It's safe to say and stay
with only you
I'm safe to say and stay
forever and always
I'm safe to say and stay
with my true love

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