Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

March 27, 2012
By Queenie9297 BRONZE, Granville, Illinois
Queenie9297 BRONZE, Granville, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the countless hours on my math, reading, English, social studies and science homework.

Just wishing it would disappear.

I am from pouring my heart out in my sports.

Always trying to run faster or make the serve.

I am from the nonstop texting till my phone dies.

From the “wat up, omg, lol, gtg” and all the random forwards.

I am from “there’s no perfect, you can always do better” and “life’s no fair for a reason”.
And all the other sayings said on a daily basis, that I know them by heart.

I am from my favorite songs on my ipod.
Blasting the speakers, flowing with the melody into my own world.

My life is made up of these things….
put them together and you got me.

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