All Hallows Eve | Teen Ink

All Hallows Eve

September 21, 2007
By Anonymous

young boy
Black and Orange cloak
Draped over him
The itchy fabric
Flows with the leaves
As the wind sighs
The Earth is beginning to sleep
He pulls the fabric tighter
Ready to climb Mt. Pumpkin
And pluck the biggest one from the top
Its ginourmus
But he’s got the strength of a million monsters
He bounds down Mt. Pumpkin
Holding it high above his head
He sets the pumpkin down on a red wood stump
The stump moans and asks if he has any Tylenol
Hey it is Halloween after all
An army of child sized monsters
Witches, Werewolves, Vampires and Mutants
They all hold shovels, saws, pick axes, and jackhammers
The cloaked boy howls: Come on let’s carve!
They scale the great Vegefruitian mass
Cut off the top and flip it off
They dive into the soupy pulpy guts
Bats begin to soar around it
There is a mammoth gurgling from inside the Vegefruit
The sticky ooey gooey mess
Vomits out the pumpkin
The monsters ride the upward torrents
Then leap off
And grab the bat’s paws
The sticky mess
Crawls off their body
From the force of air
A face is chiseled into the pumpkin
From the inside out
A maniacal grin
The remaining monsters leap out onto their own bats
The boy in the cloak
With a preternatural leap
Lands atop it again
He lights a match
And gives an immense blow
The inside of the pumpkin
Is now an inferno
They all dance in a circle
In the pumpkin’s light
They all shriek: IT’S HALLOWEEN TONITE!!!


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