My True Desire (Rewritten) | Teen Ink

My True Desire (Rewritten)

July 12, 2012
By HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The minute I heard my first love story,<br /> I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.<br /> <br /> Lovers don&#039;t finally meet somewhere,<br /> they&#039;re in each other all along.<br /> ~Rumi

Your kiss is like a drug.
It's the only thing I desire.
Your eyes, they burn bright,
With a mischevious fire.

Im drawn to you
Like a drunk to his liquor.
When i lay eyes on you,
My very heart seems to flicker.

Every time we're together,
It ends in nothing but pain.
But the moments between are so enthralling,
That leaving for that would be insane.

Your eyes, like ice.
Your lips, like fire.
Your body, it drives me.
You are my true desire.

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