Your pleasure; My enigma. | Teen Ink

Your pleasure; My enigma.

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Your inscriptions have the ability to make one Deviant;
Your words can make one's emotions blunt,
I've Become Impervious to your narcascism;
You can keep your ego, and you can keep your dignity.

You once took advantage of my passible reactions,
Why must you be so pertinaceous?
Not even the most advanced paleography can decipher you;
You've gone too far, your plague has spread.

Your puissance means nothing to me;
When it's only a key to dictation.
Your home is more like a quod,
And in it, your held captive in your own confoundance;
You're never satisfied,
You never know what you want.

I've discovered what no one has;
You're a person of avolitional emotions,
Your touch is morbid; a way of controlling people,
I see the proditor in you that no one else sees.

You may say I'm the agnostic one in this dilemma,
I say I'm the paradoxic one;
My words are completely absurd,
But They're the only words of truth.

Now, You've vexed every step I've taken,
I've only been here long enough to contemplate your methods;
Your lies are all deliberated, but none understood.
My heart no longer remains whole;
You've poisoned it with your own form of cardialgia.

You're like a leech;
You never give up, do you?

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