Ed S. | Teen Ink

Ed S.

April 17, 2013
By peypeyb BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
peypeyb BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain

I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet
Settle down with me cover me up cuddle me in
I was made to keep your body warm
But our house gets cold when you cut the heating
And I'll give you my heart so we can start it all over again
I'll be your safety and you'll be my lady
Pain is only relevant if it still hurts
My kiss can mend your broken heart
I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
After all these things I've done
I think I love you better now

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