Life As We Don't Know it | Teen Ink

Life As We Don't Know it

April 16, 2013
By MariaAmin SILVER, Sacramento, California
MariaAmin SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take calculated risks.
That is quite different from being rash.
-George S. Patton

We send our love when tragedy strikes,
Through via email, letters, or facebook likes,
Two weeks later it becomes old news,
And then there is another story, which throws the other in the loos,
For Boston we all shed a tear,
For Boston is living in a state of fear,
We are quick to point an accusing finger,
But when we are proven wrong we do not stand by our opinion and linger,
We never seem to just sympathize,
All we seem to do is break racial, cultural, business, and friendship ties,
Us humans are so irrational we don't seem to have a filter in hard times,
That without realizing we commit against human moral hurtful crimes,
Before tragedies we are best friends with the Muslims, the African Americans, the Asians, the Mexicans, and the Whites,
Yet we shame our own by questioning one another and getting into fights,
So lets all take a moment and not be selfish,
Lets all just stop talking and quit asking on the latest news dish,
Just settle down and pray for all,
No matter their race, religious beliefs, jobs, physical appearance; short or tall,
In times like this lets all stand united as one,
For we are all humans and what is done is done.

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