Weather in Time | Teen Ink

Weather in Time

May 16, 2013
By Sammy3838 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Sammy3838 BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A mixture of seasons together
The weakest will never repair
So sad for this faulty bad weather
This life we are living is rare

A ray in the midst of a snowstorm
The hardships of time in a bind
We all know to fight in a rainstorm
So look for a friend and be kind

The strike of the lightning brings chaos
We never neglect a good fight
So hope for some luck on the ringtoss
The testing of time in a fright

A drought in the midst of a downpour
So pick up a bucket, now go
Forget all the pain on the seashore
You lost all your time some days ago

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a feeling of mixed emotions. I wanted to convey hardships and the pressure placed upon individuals. I wanted to show hard work and the importance of time.

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