The Lightest Shade of Black | Teen Ink

The Lightest Shade of Black

June 12, 2013
By TJoya BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
TJoya BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I was young, my mother said
“Keep a shield under your bed
Just in case The Sun comes
And burns us into bread crumbs”
Everyone prepares for the arrival of The Sun
The village stays under a large protective drum
And day after day we lived in darkness
So shy, so scared, so very sunless
Ten years passed and The Sun did not come
But inventors strengthened our anti-Sun drum
And day after day we lived in fear
Of something that felt nowhere near
There was nothing, nothing, nothing at all
But the darkness and the wind’s call
I secretly wished for The Sun to arrive
And excite my silent, flavorless life
With our equipment, we were always prepared
And still…our parents were scared
Finally, one day, in a single fast flash
The Sun soared by and sent down a lash
And though everyone panicked and everyone screamed
I ran after the glorious gleam
I saw The Great Sun shoot blue rings of fire
I watched as the yellow full moon retired
Its light slowly faded and either I went blind
Or the familiar particles of darkness realigned
And day after day we live in darkness
So shy, so scared, so very sunless
For anything that may come, we are prepared
And though my community is usually scared
I know we’ll always be prepared
Even though nothing usually comes here

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece in response to an image that repeated "There was nothing" quite a few times followed by "THEN, for a very brief moment, there was SOMETHING...And then there was nothing again." Whilst writing this poem, I thought of how today we want our lives to be interesting and full of adventure - like the life of a fictional TV character. Because of this expectation, we become disappointed and although we have our exciting moments, it all comes down to what we think of as nothing in the end.

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