Adolesence | Teen Ink


July 2, 2013
By QueenAmburrito SILVER, Ellabell, Georgia
QueenAmburrito SILVER, Ellabell, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Slowly but surely, we watch everything change.
We watch the array of events that range
From intense and heavy to plain and boring,
The delicate balance within us imploring
To be expressed and relieved, shown to the world.
As boys become men, women grow from girls.
From hormones to chores, from texts to your ex,
Each day is new drama, we wonder what’s next.
No one’s quite sure, we’re all so confused.
Who’ll come out on top, and who will be used?
Relationships and love, schools and careers,
All these decisions made in just a few years.
Families, fights, fun and friends,
For us, the excitement never ends.
High school is short and four years isn’t much,
But it’s enough to make memories that leave our lives touched.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while sitting in biology class during my freshman year. I was both overwhelmed and deeply fascinated by the idea of high school and the teenage experience, so I tried to capture the universal essence of this time period in a way that everyone can relate to.

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