Alone | Teen Ink


October 8, 2013
By Infiniteloser23 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
Infiniteloser23 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yes. I will admit it, i say one thing and do another. Don't call me a liar. Call me a human."
~Alivia M. Duncan-Miller~

When I look in your eyes

You want to look strong, yet you want to cry

I can see that your smiles are fake

You know how I know? Because I can relate

Did someone you could never hate

Use you like a piece of bait

Did someone go to your face and lie

Did they hurt you like walking away without a good-bye

Did someone stress you to the point that you wanted to die

Did they make you have one choice, committing suicide 

But when you confront them, they deny

Does it make yo want to just hide and cry

When you feel like nothing matters anymore

You feel like you want to be six feet under the floor

You feel like no one cares about you

You think that when your name is brought up, everyone says, who?

Do you want all the pain to go away

Do you want to just 'slide to power off' some days

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in seventh grade when I was going through a great depression.

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