waiting | Teen Ink


December 10, 2013
By joshuaz BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
joshuaz BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I stepped outside, out through the doors of the cottage. The hot sun was boiling my skin and the water was calling my name. Myself and two friends named Bj and Marcello were walking down the deck to the beach to feel the water. The water was warm, and we had the idea of going tubing on this beautiful day. We just thought it would be a great idea, but there’s a problem, my dad Is inside watching a movie on tv. So I told my friends I'll go ask If he will take us tubing. so I ran up the deck to the slider door and whipped the door right open and asked.
“Dad can you take us tubing?”
“Ya right after this show,” Dad replied.
“Ok,” I responded.
“Make sure the tube is pumped up and hook the tube up to the boat,” Dad replied.
“Ok,” I replied.
I went down the deck and told my friends he will be out in a little bit. Me and my friends sat around for about 5 minutes and I was getting a little angry. So I rushed back up the huge deck with a lot of stairs, (one after another) I said to myself in my head. I was out of breath when I slammed the slider door open, and said.
“Dad! Is your show done yet?”
“No! I’ll come out when the show is done,” Dad replied with a deep voice.
“Ok,” I said.
I slammed the door shut ran across the deck down the stairs and told my friends.
“He said his show is almost done,” I told my friends.
“Come on,” Bj replied.
“I know it’s stupid but he has to watch his boring old cowboy show,” I said.
“Well we can play catch with the football if you want,” said Marcello.
“Ok might as well we got to waste time some how,” I said.
So for about 15 to 20 minutes we played catch in the yard with the football. Then I was thinking my dad has to be done watching his show by now. I said to my friends.
“I’m going to see if he done with his show yet.”
“He has to be done by now,” Marcello responded.
I walked up the deck and pushed the slider door open and looked at my dad sitting on the chair and eating a sandwitch.
“Dad what are you doing,” I yelled.
“Eating a snack, what does it look like I’m doing, I'll be out in a minute,” said Dad in a deep voice.
“Hurry up!” I told him.
My dad came out in about 5 minutes and he said.
“Why aren't the tubes hooked up?”
“Just about to do that dad,” I shouted running to hook up the tubes.
“Hurry up,” Dad replied walking down the deck.
We rushed to grab our biggest tube we have that can hold all three of us. We carried the tube down to the lake and put it in the water. As we put it in the water I grabbed the rope and ran down the dock to hook the rope up to the boat. I hooked the rope up to the boat and went underneath the seats and grabbed three life jackets. I threw the lifejackets on the dock and got off the boat. I picked up the three life jackets and ran down the dock and leaped into the water. I gave one lifejacket to each of my friends. My friends got in the tube and I held the tube steady so it wouldn't hit the dock. My dad backed the boat out of the boat lift and my mom was sitting in the other seat beside him, because you have to have a spotter so if someone falls off we can go back and get him. My dad slowly went out of the docking area and pushed the throttle down. He was driving fast around the lake, as he went around about one and a half times until he realized he had no gas in the boat.
My dad slowly stopped the boat and yelled, “We’re almost out of gas so were going to head in so I can fill it up.”
“Ok,” I shouted back in a angry voice.
I told my friends we had to go back and get some gas. So we slowly went back and parked the boat at the end of the dock. My dad jumped out onto the dock and walked up the deck and grabbed two six gallon gas tanks in each hand. He carried them down to the lake. He sat one on the dock and put one in the boat and twisted the cap off and emptied the gas into the tank in the boat. Then he did the same with the other gas tank, and twisted the cap back on and shouted to us.
“Are you ready to go now?”
“Just waiting on you,” I said.
“Ok,” shouted Dad.
“Hit it,” I yelled.
“Thank God,” Marcello shouted.
And finally we were off, after all that time of waiting and waiting it payed off. We got to go tubing now. My friends and I have been waiting for this moment all day long. Overall it was a great time waiting or not it was fun.

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