Poetry Project | Teen Ink

Poetry Project

February 26, 2014
By Emma Hodgins BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Emma Hodgins BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With the wind roaring

And the trees swaying
I wonder how I can make you stay
If I can't even pull away from the chaos
Of outside
I listen to the voices
Yelling loud above the noises
They scream they are drowning
Yet none of them are frowning
They wear a smile
That stretches for a mile
Yet I can see it in there eyes
And I realize the smiles are all lies

The Balloon
A breathe of air
A slight sound of rubber stretching
Then bam!
From a small strand to a large circle
Who can believe it just took one breathe
With one breathe so many things are possible
Creation of something new
With it you can change someone's day
Giving your air bubble to another person
Your kindness from that one simple act changes them
And it only took one breathe

Darkness falls
And evil calls
Yet there is a light
Bringing good into the night
The demons run
From the sun
Today is a new day
To change the world by what you say

Seemingly slow
Yet who knew he could go
Past the finish line
Seeming to shine
Because he reached for a star
And found he could be like how they are

S lowly drifting into space
L eaving reality and
E ntering a world
E ntirely your own
P leading never to leave

Life is lived listening to others
Influencing and inspiring
But if we don't take off our headphones
And listen to ourselves every once in a while
We may lose our voice to those around us

We hate to love
And love to hate
Happiness can fill our hearts
And sadness break them
Humility humbles the soul
And jealousy makes the soul greedy
Life is a balance
And emotions are the wires

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