War Sacrifice | Teen Ink

War Sacrifice

February 26, 2014
By NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know you too well to say you're perfect, but you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me."

-Perfect For Me by Ron Pope

Explosions of cannon fire ring out around me,

bullets fly overhead.

The cries of the dying start to surround me,

and mix with the stench of the dead.

The only friend I’ve made since I came here,

since the day they dragged me from home,

catches a bullet flying through the air,

cries out before falling down.

I rush to her side to try to save her,

even though I know it’s no use.

Blood is matted in her hair,

Her lips quickly turn blue.

Her body temperature dropping,

her breaths coming further apart,

the enemy fire not stopping,

the decrease in beats of her heart.

She smiles at me with cracked lips,

hiding yellowed teeth.

She says goodbye with her last breaths,

before forever falling asleep.

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