To My Love | Teen Ink

To My Love

February 26, 2014
By NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know you too well to say you're perfect, but you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me."

-Perfect For Me by Ron Pope

Every single time
I let my mind roam free
Your face appears in my thoughts
And silently taunts me

The distance between us is far
Much too far to bear
And I swear this distance near kills me
Whenever you’re not there

You ask me what I love
The most about you
But honestly darling that’s like
Telling me to choose

Between oxygen and water
Between shelter and clothes
Between the clothes on my back
And the shoes on my toes

Because I love everything about you
Every little thing
Your smile, your laugh
And the off-key way you sing

Your smile makes my heart race
Your eyes drive me insane
And I find it hard to breathe
When I hear your name

Words cannot describe
The way I feel about you
I’ve been searching for something my whole life
Now I realize it’s you

Promise not to leave me
Promise me you’ll stay
Promise me you’ll be there
When I wake up every day

Promise you’re not lying
Cuz when I say it, it’s the truth
That every ounce of my being
Is in love with you.

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