Why the Hell You Play This Game!! | Teen Ink

Why the Hell You Play This Game!!

March 4, 2014
By Scrumie_9 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
Scrumie_9 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When the battle scars have faded
And the truth becomes a lie
And the weekend smell of liniment
Could almost make you cry
When the last ruck’s well behind you
And the man that ran now walks
It doesn’t matter who you are
The mirror sometimes talks
Have a good hard look old son!
The melon’s not that great
The snoz that takes a sharp turn sideways
Used to be dead straight
You’re an advert for arthritis
You’re a thoroughbred gone lame
Then you ask yourself the question
Why the hell you play this game?
Was there logic in the head knocks?
In the corks and in the cuts?
Did common sense get pushed aside?
By manliness and guts?
Do you sometimes sit and wonder
Why your time would often pass
In a tangled mess of bodies
With your head up someone’s ass?
You see – that is the thing with rugby
It will always be the same
And that, I guarantee
Is why the hell you play this game!

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