Growing up | Teen Ink

Growing up

March 30, 2014
By Quel_4 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Quel_4 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growning up
Growing up starts here
It's gonna be the best four years of your life
Or at least that's what they say
It'll be very
You'll need to be

You'll learn about who your friends are
Friends from day one
Wont make it to the end
You'll have pointless, abrasive drama
And hope for karma to go around
In the end you'll realize how much better
It is to have few friends who you can actual trustworthy

Your grades will be a rollercoaster
Mom says, "Hija, try harder I know you can do better" resonantly
"I'm trying!" I say and hamper to say more
Should you push yourself, be tenacious and take AP classes?
Should you study or go hang out with friends?
You try to pay attention
but ALWAYS end up zooming out
And when your having an off day
Fijate, test in every class
You'll hope to pass all your classes
Pero, mira you're failing a class
"SHITT mom's gonna kill me"
"Hija que es esto?!"
So much
You'll want to give up
And just say "F*** it"
It seems like the more you try
the less it works
But have faith and abstain
You gotta make mom proud
So keeping trying, pass every class
After all she did work her ass off
To get you this far and bolster you
All she wants is to see you graduate

El Tiempo Vuela
Fijate, last term of JUNIOR year
Damn where did the time go?
Senior year is so close
TOO close
Damn, look how much has changed
How much YOU'VE changed
You became
What college to go to?
What to major in?
What to do for the rest of my life?
So many crucial decisions
So much responsibility
Too much to decide it makes you tedium
Y no que it was going by so slow "Hurry up already, its taking forever!"
Mira, hoy it seemed ephemeral
You'll want it to slow down
But it wont so
Make the best of it and be blithe
Every day, all the good, all the bad
Four years, damn how much four years in high school can
change you
Its helped you make lifetime friends
Unforgettable memories
Helped make you who you are
It made you grow up

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