Forget Me | Teen Ink

Forget Me

May 16, 2014
foreverwritingwithyou BRONZE, NA, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It was the last time I saw you,
laughing and smiling.
you acted no different
so nor did I,
laughing and smiling.
You never said you'd miss me
so nor did I.
I kept smiling, though I was breaking inside…
You never said you'd miss me.
You left with a flimsy goodbye and a half hearted hug and
I kept smiling, though I was breaking inside,
my heart crumbling to ash.

I miss you terribly, but
you acted no different.
So I must forget and move on since
it was the last time I saw you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after having to move away from all of my friends in Pennsylvania to come to Costa Rica.

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