Cruise Control | Teen Ink

Cruise Control

May 21, 2014
By KristenNoel ELITE, Mooresville, North Carolina
KristenNoel ELITE, Mooresville, North Carolina
134 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Sometimes our Northern Star shining oh so bright,
Shining in every single sky in every single night
Fades away to the darkness, taking away your light
And will eventually take you somewhere else until your world is right.

Sometimes you think your Northern star you stare at up above
Has put your life in the perfect spot, perhaps at least kind of.
You think that very Northern Star we all count on and speak of
Has given you the best opportunities and filled your life with love.

We think that Northern Star that’s shining late at nightfall
Has made your life perfect, and put it above all.
We think we’re in the perfect spot, there’s no more need to crawl.
However, sometimes we’re wrong and need to give our all.

We think our life can’t get better, there’s no need to refine,
For we see that Northern Star every night and watch it shine.
It confirms that our life is perfect, or at least that’s how we defined.
Our Northern Star’s relocation means we simply realign.

Don’t let the relocation of your future change your soul.
Just realign to the shine and take back your control.
Sympathize with your Northern Star- learn to console.
Set up the path of your life and ride on cruise control.

The author's comments:
Quit trying to direct your life and let the universe take control!!!


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