Only Me | Teen Ink

Only Me

June 18, 2014
By Sierra2000 BRONZE, Madison, New Jersey
Sierra2000 BRONZE, Madison, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t move mountains
I can’t move seas
I can’t reach up
As high as you please

I can’t be them
I’m only me
I’m sorry for
The things I won’t be

But I will try
And try and try
I will move mountains
In my mind

And though I’ll try
I’m still just me
And for now
It’s the best I’ll be

The author's comments:
It seems that everyone expects so much from me! I get that feeling way too much!The stereotypes are in everyone's minds and it's hard not to label someone as "nerd" when they have glasses on or tell off an Asian if they got an 80 on a test. But you know what? It hurts. The pressure is huge. It's like the soap they say that goes a long way. A little comment could result in terrible conclusions.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mrs. H said...
on Jun. 23 2014 at 9:37 pm
I love this!