Sky | Teen Ink


December 15, 2008
By Samuel Reichman DIAMOND, Fairway, Kansas
Samuel Reichman DIAMOND, Fairway, Kansas
65 articles 5 photos 3 comments

Rush into my head like a dream
While the stream trickles and sings behind.
A single bird call
Smashes in through my wall
Just to find what I'm here for.

Call out to me,
Reach for me,
Listen for me.

Because there's something inside,
Deep in the woods,
Pleading for all that could,
For all that is kind,
For all that is good,
For all that might happen,
And all that might be,
All that might feel
What it is to be free.

It begs, pleads, aches to see light,
Hears a birds call and imagines it's flight.
Far from these woods,
Beyond these hills,
Into blue sky,
And freedom.


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