I Wait In A Line | Teen Ink

I Wait In A Line

October 16, 2014
By AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
24 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

There is a line. A line to a heart. A heart that is waiting for me. There are other girls in the line ahead of me. I dont know them. I cant see the boy the heart is attached to. He is invisible to me. I am the last person in this line. There is a line . A line to my heart. There are boys waiting for my heart. It seems the boy at the front of the line im in is also at the end of my own line. We both wait not so patiently in our lines. Until the time comes where the only two people left are the boy and me. The day will come where our hearts will collide. We waited so long in the line that connects us to our love. There is a line.

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