Human Instinct, an Ode | Teen Ink

Human Instinct, an Ode

November 27, 2014
By AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Happy the man who is angry and scared,
For he is fundamentally mortal
More honest with himself and the world, dared
Speak his mind, protest inhuman morals.

Fear, the driving force of humanity
Has made us stronger, faster, blood pumping
Through our veins, pure rage helping it along,
Making men desperate for their freedom.

From the trenches of war, humanity
Rose form the ashes, anger their powerful
Incentive, building civilisation
From ruin, in ungodly lands, they strived

Happy the man who is angry and scared,
For he is a Creator, a fighter,
Poet, a knight of the unwritten word
The building block of an equal world.

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