The Family Survival | Teen Ink

The Family Survival

December 4, 2014
By 5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A family of elephants watches their home
burn down.
The family of elephants watches their village
burn down.
The family of elephants,
knows not where to go
nor what to do.

The family of tigers watches their home
burn down.
The family of tigers watches their village
burn down.
The family of tigers,
knows not where to go
nor what to do.

The mother and father of the calves watches their home
burn down.
The mother and father of the calves watches their village
burn down.
The mother and father of the calves,
knows not where to go
nor what to do.

The family of the elephants, the family of tigers and the mother and father of calves
worry, watching, wondering.
The family of the elephants, the family of tigers and the mother and father of calves
burn down.
Now the animals--like the humans--
know not where to go
nor what to do.

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