Personal Metaphor | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor

January 15, 2015
By RunnerUp747 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
RunnerUp747 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Overthinking killed my happiness.
Insecurities killed my self-esteem.
Lies killed my trust.

A boy, still innocent in the evil ways of the internet, and surfing the web without his parents permission. He finds all different sites, but is still bored. He goes to tumblr, and find the feminists. He goes to DeviantArt, but isn’t interested in any artworks. He goes to many more websites, each one like the last.
Eventually, the innocent boy stumbles upon 4chan. He goes to /b/, Random. The website warns him that everything posted is a work of fiction, that everything is false, and this intrigues the innocent boy. He spends more and more time on his computer, Spending more and more time in the depths of 4chan. He gets into pointless arguments, posts pointless pictures, and follows along with the pointless trends.
All this time, the innocent boy becomes less and less so. The innocent boy learns the terrible truth, Humanity’s biggest cover up. He learns of all the joy and fun, imagination, that is sucked from your soul when you reach adulthood. This boy, is me. This boy, whose innocence is lost, was poisoned, by me. Because I am 4chan, and I have more lies and falsehoods to tell you about.

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