Peek-a-boo Dad | Teen Ink

Peek-a-boo Dad

February 3, 2015
By Kat_Chandler BRONZE, Island Of Misfit Toys, North Carolina
Kat_Chandler BRONZE, Island Of Misfit Toys, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

 A child's first hero is their father
He’s the one they go to when their hurt or scared
You were just that, my hero
Then i turned three.
Like the glow of a firefly, You were there one minute and      gone the next
Popping in and out of my life whenever most convenient for you
Couldn't be bothered with a phone call on my birthday
Can’t even count on you to remember how old I am
Time flies by when you’re with your other families, doesn't it?
What do I matter when you can easily replace me with step kid after step kid?
Roses are red, Violets are blue
You weren't there
You’re not true
I'm tired of playing peek-a-boo
empty promises i see through
Its nothing but a game to you.
The girl in the looking glass is a constant reminder of her  missing father
She has your eyes
She has your smile
She has your laugh
But you wouldn't know anything about that.
Because you’re still playing peek-a-boo.

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