hard work | Teen Ink

hard work

March 17, 2015
By aydin16 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
aydin16 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Working out has become a big part of my life this past year.  Lets start the story when I was twelve.  I was in the 5th grade and weighed hundred and eighty pounds.  I was only five two at the time and was not mad of much muscle.  I was always scared to go swimming and take my shirt off.  All I wanted was to be skinny and have the body I wanted.  During school I didn’t play any sports or do any physical exercise.   After school ended I found out the only way I’m getting in better shape and looking better is hard work.  I told myself I’m going to run everyday no matter what.  All summer long I ran and I could tell I was losing weight and getting in better shape.  When I came back to school next year my friends talked me in to doing football.  I didn’t really like it but it wasn’t the worst and I knew it was helping me stay in shape.  When football was over I decided to join wrestling.  I love the sport and my family is all about it to.  Wrestling really showed me that hard work is all it takes.  After wrestling I told myself if I can do that then I can run and start lifting weights over the summer.  The next summer was great I was in great running shape and I started to get stronger.  I also was getting taller.  I work hard all summer and I cam back to school weighing 147 and could lift twenty more pounds on everything then what I started out at.  When I got back to school everyone was surprised to see how much I changed.  I finely had a the body I wanted.

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