Why I'll never stay home alone again | Teen Ink

Why I'll never stay home alone again

March 27, 2015
By Sophie33 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Sophie33 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Suddenly the garage door collapses,
creating a deafening sound.
Nobody knows what is happening
except for him and his loud absence.

I rush for the phone as if
a stampede of animals are coming.
My fingers begin to act paralyzed,
while my brain forgets every important number imaginable.
I felt my entire body heat up
like I was a tree in a wildfire,
Trembling and mortified.
Clutching the phone in my hand,
I felt my stomach twist like a pretzel
and become sour as if I drank spoiled milk.
My throat tightened as I sit in the corner
with tears welling up in my eyes,
Helpless and desperate for somebody to come home.

The door clashes with somebody’s fist and I flinch.
As I open the door, I see him,
my brother, laughing hysterically.
The tears began to gush down my cheeks,
as I become humiliated and bitter with defeat. 

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