Shock-preditor v.s. prey | Teen Ink

Shock-preditor v.s. prey

April 15, 2015
By 6fraz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6fraz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The feeling of crisp air the swoosh of breeze
refreshing, fulfilling, distracted by thirst
The taste of fresh water- mother at side
rustling in the bushes, hearing the grass blow.

Not knowing what’s next...scoping the scene
mother is alert , somethings behind her
She sees tall grass moving in the wind
distracted by thirst... she drinks.

Crackling of branches has become closer
adrenaline starts...something's coming
Hearing a thump thump thump,  chest pulsating 
shock feeling the teeth sink in.

Taking death as it was meant to be
pain running through every vein
Throat stinging legs kicking
the thumping has become slower...

The sound of teeth crunches on bones
Where has mother gone, nowhere in sight
She abandoned her child
Frantically...helpless in the beasts grip.

Dying, no more can be done
Eventually, there is no escape from blackness
Accepting that theirs no room for air
Time no more as the last breath is taken 
Heart stops, the smell of crisp air is no more.

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