The Melody of Time | Teen Ink

The Melody of Time

April 17, 2015
By HyperMijumaru BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
HyperMijumaru BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crackling flames flourish the hearth
A continuous tick-tock rhythm lulls the elderly man
Harmonious, delicate tunes sooth all forms of rage-
The Londoner once felt, crawling at his last nerve,

A continuous tick-tock rhythm lulls the elderly man
somewhere, a dormant creature’s soul’s aches from floods of memories
The Londoner once felt, crawling at his last nerve,
remnants of seething, flashes of excruciating agony clawing at their hearts-

somewhere, a dormant creature’s soul’s aches from floods of memories
Harmonious, delicate tunes sooth all forms of rage-
Holy spirits gingerly quelling down the duo’s fears and anxieties
Crackling flames flourish the hearth

The author's comments:

A pantoum poem. 

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