Just like Mommy and Daddy. | Teen Ink

Just like Mommy and Daddy.

June 10, 2015
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

Silent halls, silent voices call, so loud but yet always ignored. Sometimes people cant help but wonder what went wrong? what happened to the sweet little girl that they all ust to know? what happened to the smile that every one grew to know, that every one couldnt tell what was wrong. What happened to the girl that ust to love herself, that every one looked up to when they didnt have anyone to look up to.


The little girl that meant so much and cared so much, grew up in a house where the mother was abusive and the father was a drunk, one night to late but not soon enough, the little girl grew up, realized that the world was rough, Makes me wonder what would have and could have become of that little girl the world loved so much? what ever happened to the loving mother and the father with a to kind of a tender type of touch?


what would have ever happened to that sweet little girl if she didnt half to grow up way to early in a world still so new, who would have guessed such a sweet girl who grew up in such a terrible world would have ended up in a broken home with family town in two, ending up just like mommy and daddy, one to tender and the other a abuser.

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