To a Child With Hope | Teen Ink

To a Child With Hope

July 26, 2015
By JamesC SILVER, Los Gatos, California
JamesC SILVER, Los Gatos, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With sheets of silk and bed of down
All soft around you like a gown
Your daddy’s tucked you in and read,
‘One day,’ he says, ‘you’ll have my crown.’

A little child laid down in bed
A pillow for your little head
You let your fledgeling eyelids close;
You feel the sleep and warmness spread.

But when you went your mind arose
Your breathing easing through your nose
States of bliss may seem ongoing,
As happiness your small world knows.

You’ll wake up as peace stops flowing
So heed this, for old you’re growing
It is dreamless where you’re going;
It is dreamless where you’re going.

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